
In this regard, I irrevocably authorize KALU INSTITUTE to broadcast, publish, communicate, disclose, synchronize, reproduce, distribute, edit, adapt, transform, commercialize, promote, and/or use any material that includes my image, according to the specific description of the advertising registration described at the bottom of this authorization, for the maximum term allowed by intellectual property law, for written, analog, digital, printed media, or any known media or technology in any territory of the world, for advertising purposes.

Notwithstanding the above, KALU INSTITUTE will not be obligated to grant me credits in the works and/or media in which my image is used.

I declare that this authorization is made personally, and therefore I understand that I will not receive any type of compensation, bonus, or extra payment. I also acknowledge that there is no expectation regarding the potential economic effects of any of the previously authorized uses of my image.

I understand that, pursuant to the provisions of Law 23 of 1982, the revocation of the authorization to use my image could cause damages to KALU, which must be compensated in advance in order to exercise my right to revoke this authorization.

I voluntarily authorize and accept the use and/or utilization of all documentary, audiovisual, photographic, filmic material, and audio and video recordings in which my personal image is part of the content of such material. I also authorize, in a prior, express, and informed manner, the capture and fixation of my image in such material.